Beauty In Breakfast: Strawberry Kiwi Smoothie Recipe

Are you running late and only have five minutes for breakfast? Put down that Pop Tart or doughnut and opt for this nutritional and skin-healthy option instead!

This smoothie not only is it uber simple to prepare, it’s also jam-packed with Vitamin C! And we all know that Vitamin C is essential in skincare, especially since it promotes collagen and prevents wrinkling. Who wouldn’t drink to that? Plus, the honey in the smoothie aids in preventing inflammation (meaning it lowers your chances of getting pimples, BONUS!).

Prep Time: 5 mins.

Total Time: 5 mins.

Calories per serving: 206


1 ¼ cup cold apple juice

1 ripe banana, sliced

1 kiwi, sliced

5 fresh strawberries (or frozen)

1 ½ teaspoon honey


Place the apple juice, sliced banana, sliced kiwi, strawberries, and honey in a blender. Blend until smooth. Place in a glass or portable mason jar if you’re on the go!


Photo courtesy of:

Let me know what you think about this refreshing smoothie if you try it!

Check out my previous installment in this mini-series: Beauty In Breakfast: Tomato Omelet Recipe

By: Azzurra Nox

Skincare: Is Foundation Ruining Your Skin?


When asked what foundation I use, many people are surprised when I admit that I don’t use any and haven’t really worn much of it (save for the few times I’ve had to for photoshoots) in years. I attribute my good skin days to various things, but NOT wearing foundation is at the very top of the list. If the thought of leaving the house without makeup is enough to make you cringe, then you may be damaging your skin. This is the age of Instagram, Beat Face, and Full-coverage foundation. But what damage are all of these cosmetics, namely foundation, really doing to your skin day after day? The terrible truth is that if you have problematic skin (dryness, oiliness, or acne-prone) then you aren’t doing your skin any favors by adding layers and layers of products on top of it.

Oily Skin

If you have oily skin you’ll soon found out the hard way, that foundation and oily skin DO NOT mingle. Using liquid foundation may actually create a thicker coat of oil on your skin, meaning your skin will look slick with oils, rather than dewy. If the thought of going foundation-less is unfathomable, then opt for mineral foundation or lightweight pressed powder.


Although liquid foundation may increase the oil in oily skin, it does NOT act as a moisturizer for dry skin. It actually creates more flakes and dryness! So you’re better off using a tinted moisturizer, or adding a smidgen of foundation or concealer to your favorite moisturizer and using that instead.


Though makeup hasn’t been proven to cause acne per se in people who aren’t acne-prone, it does, however cause acne to flare up in people who have acne-prone skin. And I know that many people who have acne, turn to foundation as a way to create the appearance of flawless skin, but it’s a Catch 22, where the more foundation they use the more new blemishes it creates, in turn, making someone continue to use foundation. If you suffer from acne, try to discover the root of your problem (meaning is it due to diet, hormones, or stress?) with the help of a dermatologist. Don’t just try to conceal the problem with foundation, it’ll only wreak havoc on your skin.

Unrealistic Expectations

Learn to love your natural skin! Wearing foundation every day not only does it damage it, but it will give you unrealistic expectations of how your skin should look at all times. You can have amazing skin without it having to look airbrushed or Instagram worthy. Instead, try to take care of your skin by keeping hydrated, sleeping at least 6-8 hours a night, turn to a more plant-based diet, and keep up with a skincare routine that best suits your skin type.

Amazing skin isn’t easy to have, but with some work and dedication (and less makeup!) it’s easier to achieve than thought possible.
So give your skin a break and go foundation-free, and keep foundation ready for those moments when you really need it (school photos, weddings, etc.).

By: Azzurra Nox

Want to kiss your acne goodbye forever, then READ HOW VITAMIN A CAN CURE YOUR ACNE!

Five Morning Rituals That Will Kick-Start Your Day!

For many of us, waking up early in the morning is a must. But if you’re not an early bird (as myself), waking up early can truly seem torturous. How can you alleviate this problem or at least make those early morning wake-up calls seem less dreadful? Here are a few of my morning rituals that help me jump-start my morning and be ready for the day.

Choose a Pleasant Alarm to Wake-Up To

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always found that being utterly startled out of sleep already puts me in a foul mood before I even set foot out of bed. Throughout the years I’ve found that being slowly awakened to a pleasant sound that gently lulls me out of sleep works wonders. I’ve been waking up to The Cure’s Just Like Heaven for years now. There’s something about Robert Smith’s dreamy voice and the uplifting spirit of this song that somehow makes me feel like my day is going to be awesome. Choose a song that makes you feel good or even a relaxing instrumental and start your day with some positive vibes!

Cup of Tea

I’m a tea lover, and if there’s one thing that will put me in a bad mood first thing in the morning is if I have awful tea (which also makes me a tea snob). I usually favour English Breakfast or Darjeeling Tea for the mornings. There’s something about the aroma and the comforting warmness of it that makes me feel like I’m being cuddled up in a snuggly blanket. Some of my favourite tea brands are: Twinings, Ashby, Mighty Leaf Tea, and . If you’re more of a coffee person, then go ahead and have that. But something about drinking a hot drink will soothe any morning jitters and get you prepared for the long day ahead.

7-Minute Reading

I know some people love to read the morning news, and that’s good if that’s what you like to do. I usually try to avoid being bombarded by the news first thing in the morning, mostly because a good portion of the news if always somewhat depressing. Instead, I try to wake up my brain with some leisure reading. Usually it may be a magazine article or simply reading a few pages of whatever book I’m currently reading. Whatever you choose doesn’t matter as long as it helps you motivate yourself to wake up.

7-Minute Workout

I’m not the best person when it comes to exercise (at least in the formal going to the gym-sort), but I’ve found that doing this simple exercise routine 7-Minute Morning Workout In Pyjamas by Joanna Soh is the best way to get your blood flowing and shake off the morning blues. This exercise is simple and doesn’t take too much time out of your morning routine. If anything, it helps you work off that extra glass wine or scoop of ice cream you had before going to sleep the night before. It’s also fool-proof enough that even hungover or sleep deprived you can manage to do these easy steps. In just seven minutes you’re able to loosen your muscles and get your heart rate going. And don’t worry if you work up a bit of a sweat, just jump into the shower afterwards!

Lemon Water

This is simple! Just take a glass of hot water and spritz some lemon juice (or add a slice of lemon) to the water and drink this either before your morning coffee or tea, or even after. This Lemon Water is an excellent source of Vitamin C (much needed during flu-season!) and an amazing way to rid your body of unwanted toxins. Not only that, lemon aids in reducing pain in the body and any inflammation in joints. Not to mention that it tastes delicious!

These are just some of my morning rituals. Leave some of yours in the comments below!

Lemon Water image taken from

By: Azzurra Nox